Sunday, July 27, 2008

Getting Settled

We've been back in Meridian for about a month now and we've almost gotten our house the way we want it(thanks Rah-Rah for all you've done!). It's different being back, but great! We miss our friends in Kansas, but are so glad to be able to be with our friends and family here. Thank goodness Chris is home too and he has some time off before he starts his rotations.
These past few weeks have definitely been busy. We had a family birthday party for Will and our cousins were able to be there too! (Hilary, Elizabeth Grace, Aunt Kakie, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Ben and Davis). The kids and I have been swimming a lot and we went to Geyser Falls for the 4th of July.
We're having a great summer and it's not over yet!


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Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

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About Me

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I have been married to Chris for 9 years. We have two children, Will 6, and Sarah Pierce 3. I started staying at home with Will after he was born and couldn't love a job more. I definitely have days where I want to pull my hair out or close myself into my closet, but I feel so blessed to have been able to do this. We moved back to our hometown Meridian, MS at the very end of June. Chris starts his 3rd year of medical school doing his clinical rotations at Rush hospital on Sept. 2nd. We are so thankful that God allowed us to come back here and be close to our families and old friends again. We're looking forward to what's in store for us next!